Hunzinger has invested significant time and resources into the successful implementation of our own trademarked process known as Virtual Design & Construction Coordination®, (V.D.C.C.). The results of this collaborative effort are truly unmatched in the market. VDCC is more than traditional 3D modeling; we integrate our groundbreaking Archispatial Model® using Stake Live CasinoArchitispacial Analysis® which is an interactive platform utilizing architectural models for the purpose of scheduling, estimating, sequencing and project coordination. By integrating our pioneering Archispatial Model®, VDCC becomes a 5-dimension analysis and collaborative platform that not only virtually constructs, coordinates and quantifies building systems and assemblies in the three traditional spatial dimensions, but also incorporates a 4th dimension of project sequencing /delivery detail (Schedule) and a 5th dimension of project budget and cash flow detail (Cost). VDCC, using Archispacial Analysis®, has been proven to save both time and money for all project participants.

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VDCC® increases schedule efficiency during construction and will help to eliminate field modifications. This process is also very beneficial in getting the “feel” Stake Sports Bettingof the new space before you can actually walk through the constructed areas. By creating an Archispatial Model® in “walk-through” images, the team is provided a visual “experience” in advance of construction. This will be a helpful decision-making, planning and coordination tool.