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Stake Casino App is recognized as an industry leader and has a proven track record of developing and implementing diversity and inclusion plans dating back almost 30 years. We are extremely proud of meeting and exceeding diverse contracting and hiring goals without ever missing a project goal. We have had incredible results with over $610 million in contracts awarded directly to minority or women owned firms. Our commitment is solid and our results unmatched. We know that maximizing participation requires careful attention to implementation strategies and we continuously refine our proven practices to ensure diverse contractors and suppliers are gaining a valuable and meaningful opportunity to not only pursue work, but also will be able to prosper as a result of that work.
Hunzinger has worked proactively with many of its clients to develop and support effective diversity business utilization programs and brings a stellar diversity and inclusion program and strong relationships built within the local subcontracting community. One of our most important mottos at Hunzinger is to always Do the Right Thing, and we are committed to lifting our neighbors, breaking barriers, and fostering strong relationships to make Southeast Wisconsin a better place. This is not a new or fashionable effort for us, it is how we do business and our track record sets us apart. Our community engagement begins with preconstruction Stake online casino gamesand continues through to project completion.
Hunzinger works hard to develop and create specifically tailored workforce inclusion plans for individual clients, and we have had incredible results. We recently completed the Komatsu South Harbor Campus Project working over 619,642.70 hours, of which 293,571.35 or 47.3% were City of Milwaukee RPP when the goal was 40%. Additionally, we achieved 101,963.57 Apprenticeship hours for 32.6% far surpassing the goal of 25%.
The table on the following page shows our continued track record exceeding diversity and participation goals on recent major projects. In each case where goals were established by the client, we exceeded the diversity and participation goals.